Home Depot
When we were briefed on the LifeProof carpet launch, we were given a list of everything that LifeProof was guaranteed to resist. Ketchup, spaghetti sauce, fruit juice. (Deer urine was on the list, but no one could ever tell us why.)
Once we started thinking of all the stains we should be showing, we had to ask, "Well, what fiend of hell is doing all this staining?" Thus, Henry was born. And we've either all known a Henry, or we've been a Henry. And even though it feels like it's Henry's story, every shot in the commercial is a compelling LifeProof product demo.
We showed the worst a floor could go through with in-store signage, online banners, radio, and even a carpet-suited appearance on Rhett and Link's Good Mythical Morning. You can view the full LifeProof launch here.
LifeProof became a question on Jeopardy! It led to a brand expansion that included laminate and tile flooring. And one focus group respondent said, "The kid being a complete shitstorm was awesome."
AD: Rob Hollenbeck
P: Jay Rivera
D: Fergus Stothart

"I'll take career highlights for $400."