Ram & Father's Day
The original budget for this was $15,000. Not a typo–only three zeros in that number. But our brilliant producers convinced the client to increase the budget by turning the one-day production into an asset shoot. We got the spot we wanted plus an extra 41 feature shots the clients could use on their website, social, and running footage. Charlie Uniform Tango loved the idea so much, they not only brought in Lan Freedman as the director, they included Andy Mahr and Ashton Rodgers as the DPs. Even though we’d budgeted for needle drop, Tango’s Nick Pratronella wrote and recorded an original score. This was a series of big wins, great cooperation, and brilliant partners getting excited about an idea. Making this Father’s Day especially happy.
AD/CD: Rob Hollenbeck
P: Jenny Wolk / Dave Rucker
D: Lan Freedman
EDIT: Adam Henderson @ Charlie Uniform Tango
MUSIC: Nick Pratronella