What I Believe

Being a miser has never led me to prosperity. I'm happier when I tip generously, support school fundraisers, buy Girl Scout Cookies, and stop at lemonade stands.
I have passion for running and writing because both are focused on forward motion.
I'm at my best when I'm collaborating. My greatest successes are things I did not do alone.
Doing difficult things changes how I see the world. Usually for the better.
If I stop being curious, I stop living my best life.
Mentoring is one way I've found of trying to repay my own good fortune.
"Fear of the unknown" and "discomfort of the unknown" are two different things.
Critical thinking means being open to the possibility that my beliefs may be wrong. Critical thinking requires time, introspection, humility, and vulnerability.
Now, see the work.
Or where I've worked.
Or some nice things people have said about me.
What I've said.
And what I've written.
Check out the Digital & Social Showcase.
And tune in to the podcast.